“Some men are mere hunters, others are turkey hunters.”
My name is Locke Wheeler, founder of STRUTCAST. I’ve spent the past 30 years infatuated with turkey hunting. As a kid, it quickly became my first choice of hunting seasons, though I am an avid hunter year round. As an adult, I spend each spring traveling around the country with a camera, a shotgun, and a sack full of calls trying with each available sunrise to scratch that itch. I hope I can share my passion and be a resource and asset to the turkey hunting world, giving more than I ever take, always hoping for that next distant gobble!
STRUTCAST was born from the idea of feeding the passion that is so present in all avid turkey hunters. I think for many turkey hunters we have to admit we can’t just go hunting, we live it, it truly is an obsession!
In a world so interconnected by smartphones and online capable devices, we have a an opportunity to be even more connected to each other in very simple ways. We can communicate and share with mere clicks of a button. Podcasting as become a very popular form of media and STRUTCAST aims to offer a community, built on the foundation of a weekly spring PODCAST, where turkey hunters can tune in and be informed and entertained.
I hope you will follow along weekly as we aim to bring you relevant guest, interesting and entertaining conversation, and update reporting of what’s going on in the spring turkey woods! I encourage you to reach out to us on social media and this website to share your pictures, videos, and stories so we can all collaborate and feed our obsession for the greatest time of the year!
Locke Wheeler (Life in Focus Media Productions)